The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo


I just watched the American version of this movie.  I saw the original in the theater.  I had forgotten how disturbing it was.  It’s such an interesting movie, but the disturbing parts I had clearly blocked from my memory for a bit because I now remember that I felt exactly this way after seeing the first one.

It’s an excellent movie, but I don’t like this feeling.  It’s … disturbing.  I was listening to a lecture yesterday that was saying that when people see others act with kindness, the same neurons fire as if they were doing and receiving an act of kindness themselves.

I’ve always known that what a person lets into their awareness affects them.  Those things act as hypnotic suggestions, they tell the person something about the world, and they also have a vibration that one receives.

The hypnotic suggestions aren’t to do something in particular, but to accept the thing as normal.  Everything around us is telling us about the world all the time.  What it comes down to is that question of do I live in a kind or dangerous world?  And everything has vibration.  Absolutely everything has a frequency / vibration.  I’ll skip the explanation of atoms and electrons – more than enough people have written about that that it would be redundant here.  If you can be aware of something, you are within its vibration.  Whether it’s seeing it, hearing it – anything – even just thinking about it.

I heard someone describe what we allow around us once as food.  Anything in your awareness is being taken into you just as food is taken in to you when you eat.  Consider that when you think about what you want to focus on.

But the thing is, most people can watch movies or be around negativity without it bothering them.  I don’t know how they do it.  It’s as if they just are walled off from the things around them.  They don’t seem to feel the vibration of things.  But then again, maybe they are just very good at letting things go?  I can’t assume.

What I do know is that I have to find something to do right now to counteract this so that I’m vibrating right again.

I’m pretty sure I have more to think about on this.

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