Monthly Archives: August 2012



What is enlightenment?  Or a better question is:  What do I mean by enlightenment?

And enlightened person knows the Truth of this reality.  And enlightened person is happy, or at least not unhappy, because they know that this reality isn’t as real as we think it is, and so there’s nothing to be upset about.  An enlightened person has a high vibration, and because of that other people feel good in their presence.  An enlightened person by existence alone brings up the vibration of wherever they happen to be.

An enlightened person lets go.  They let the thoughts that run through their mind and the events that happen in their life just flow through.

An enlightened person can choose to do something and then do it, because they don’t have inner resistance.

The truth of the matter is that I don’t think there are any qualities one can say that indicate enlightenment.  I think it’s a vibration.  And I think that there are characteristics that usually go with that, but that are just what we see from our own level.

Enlightenment is a high vibration.  And from there they see the transparency of life.  And so they don’t feel the need to grab on to anything, so life just flows through them.

Calling it Out


What are the rules in this place we call earth?  I’m pretty sure there’s a manual somewhere and I just didn’t get my copy.

When I was in high school and I would see someone treating someone else rudely, I would say, “You don’t have to treat that person like that.”  And all of a sudden I was the bad guy.  What the eff?  People treat each other in all sorts of horrible ways – from the boss who berates the employee in front of everyone when it really wasn’t needed to insulting a clerk who wasn’t trained well enough to know what to do.  Of course it’s frustrating when an employee messes up – do we have to try to humiliate them in front of others?  No.  Of course it’s annoying as hell when a clerk doesn’t know anything and clearly should.  But if they weren’t trained then it’s the company at fault.

But whatever the reason for someone else’s eff up, how would we want someone else to treat that person if they were our kid or significant other or relative?  Aren’t they our human relative?  So why not be nice.

So, when I was in high school I would call people out on this.  I really just don’t like seeing other people treated badly.  But then I would find that somehow I had turned into the bad guy.  I wasn’t supposed to say anything.  We are supposed to just stand by and not say anything.  We’re supposed to ignore it.  I would never step in and try to make anyone do anything different – I just wanted to put it out there that I see the person being a jerk, and the other person can know that someone cares about what is happening to them.  But no – I’m supposed to ignore it.

So a person can be a jerk, and that’s ok.  But if I try to step in with kindness, that is being a jerk.  So jerk = good, and kind = jerk.  Great.

How is this reality?

Back to Reality


Here I am living a life that I’m pretty sure isn’t mine.  This is not  how my life was supposed to go.

I have had two enlightenment experiences that would make most people hang out their shingle as an enlightened guru, start writing books, and go out on the lecture circuit pontificating about how amazing they are and promising you the same if you’ll just fork over $1000 for their weekend retreat and buy their cd programs and books conveniently offered at the back of the room.

But the thing is, my experience was profound enough that I know that any enlightening experience is no more important than the everyday experience of daily life.  Yes, when we haven’t had one we think the enlightenment experience is special.  But when we have had one we know that it isn’t.  Life is a tapestry of everything.  All possibilities are happening all the time.  Why should I try to get others to have an experience like I had when whatever they are experiencing is perfect as it is.

Now, one topic that I have seen so many self appointed gurus talk about lately is that the profound bliss doesn’t last.  Why?  I have no idea.  But my life sucks right now.

Sure there are so many things in my life to be grateful for.  And I am grateful.  But really all of my friends are successful.  They have jobs, they have cool things, they have money.  And good for them – I am happy for them.  But where’s MY stuff!  I have been so focused on the spiritual that I haven’t brought to myself any material success.  We do get what we focus on.  Our attention calls things into being.  I want cool stuff and money, but as much as I try to value those things over spirituality, I can’t.  I know better.

So this blog is about my spiritual thoughts, my frustrations, the highs and lows of my daily life, and any random topic that is entertaining me for the day.

Just because.